
Tuesday, April 01, 2014


Last year for National Poetry Month I posted pictures of poems on my instagram, looking for interesting short little pieces of poems that could fit in the square format of the instagram feed.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Eileen Myles, Snowflake

Eduardo C. Corral, Slow Lightning
This year I'm doing the same thing, but different. I'm going to write the poem/lines up myself, maybe with a little illustration, and then post them, where ever I am, in real life. I'll be using Label 228s and they'll be mostly going up in Durango Colorado, but if I happen to be somewhere else, that's where they'll be posted. I'm going to be sourcing most of the poems from the internet, giving links to the original work. I'll also post pictures of the posts to the internet via my tumblr and my instagram.

This is what they will look like in the wild/this is the first post (I know, not an totally an internet poem, but it's so so good and you can hear Abraham Smith read the poem here):

Abraham Smith, Whim Man Mammon

I'm doing these mostly day-to-day, so I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow (probably something from this by Mark Cugini) and if you want a poem to be featured, you can nominate it through my twitter account. Just @ me with a link and I'll check it out.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Rap Game Billy Collins

Right now I'm sorta jazzed, sorta bummed, sorta floating, on life/writing right now. I'm coming out of a bit of a funk but I moved to Durango CO and now I feel like there is so much new shit to do that I'll never get through it all. I mean, I walk to work in a town that has a ski hill in the city limits? It's ridiculous.
Workin on a collab project that is just the shit right now. heres a few lines:

Hang on, let me take a picture of this burrito, then
we can talk about how invitations work. The entire
wedding service will be spoken in tongues. I don't

fuck with

It goes like that for like 5 pages right now. And it's so so so much fun writing this shit too.
I'm worried that I'll drink my face-off living here
I've got a book review out a while ago. On Joshua Marie Wilkinson's Swamp Isthmus. It's a different review for me. Most of the time I write a review, I create a personal/lyric entrance into the piece. It felt pretty strange to not have that. It didn't even really have a clear: BUY THIS BOOK, IT'S VERY GOOD. So that's what I'm doing now: buy this book, it's very good.
Electroshock therapy is swirling around people I know. It sounds scary. It sounds magical.

You can call me whatever you want.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Books on Books on Books on Books

currently reading:

(FULL CONFESSION: I've read a PDF of this, though just got a copy to read in physical form)

mostly because of this HTMLGiant thing

recently read:


Wrote a review of this will share a link when it's up

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Young Hot Stars Of The Small Magellanic Cloud

Turning 30 wouldn't have been so bad if a mass murder didn't happen on my birthday.
Meh. I was in DC last weekend, partly for a reading, partly to see the Braves, partly to
kick it with my favorite poet friend, Carrie Murphy and her awesome boyfriend Randall,
and partly to party. Along the way there were spaceships and ice cream cones and One D-
irection in 3D and Mark Cugini's precious soul (I hope you still smell like a 17 yo with a
fake ID from those shots) and The Generals dead body. It was actually pretty fucking

When I go to places to read, I like to write things specifically for the place. Like, the poems
I read are FOR the place. For the Three Tents reading series, which is one of my favorite
places to read so far, I wrote a long poem called DRONE CITY, USA and I made stickers
from Label 228s. The stickers were a huge hit and I'm actually pretty stoked about them
(if you want a sticker, hit me up in the comments or on some other social media). I met
Amber Sparks and Amber's husband Chris. Chris actually works for the postal service as
some waste prevention officer or something (I was kinda drunk + super amped) and he
was pretty stoked to see a perfect example of his job in action (seriously Chris, don't call
the cops on me).

I think this could totally hang in this book

Meeting people that I've only known from the internet is always cool. I'm pretty active on
twitter, and follow some cool people and some follow me back or that talk to me, but my
twitter is kind of anon so not many people know that I'm a real boy. I guess now they know
I'm a
real boy.